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Coronavirus Resources for Your Eye Health

As we navigate this strange new world, news about the coronavirus is leaving our patients with more questions than answers. Here are information and resources from the Eden Prairie Eye Care team to support our community through this challenging time.

Wearing Contacts During A Pandemic

Contact lens wearers touch their face and eyes to insert and remove their corrective eyewear. While contact lenses will not give you COVID-19, it’s important to practice good hygiene while handling your lenses.

Here’s how to handle contacts safely:

  1. Wash Your Hands: Before handling your contact lenses, wash your hands carefully with soap and water for 20 seconds. Dry your hands with unused paper towels - not a rag or hand towel. If these things are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol and let it dry completely. Never touch your eyes or handle your contacts with unwashed hands.

  2. Disinfect: Disinfect and dispose of your contact lenses according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Don’t re-wear daily disposable lenses or overwear monthly lenses. Regularly disinfect monthly and weekly lenses as per your optometrist’s directors.

  3. Contact Your Doctor: If you’re running out of lenses or your prescription is expiring, don’t hesitate to contact your eye doctor. We are working with patients to ensure they have access to all medical devices - including eyewear.

If you do become sick, discontinue wearing your contact lenses. Although glasses do not offer protection, they’ll reduce the risk of spreading germs and an eye infection.

Protecting Our Patients

Dr. Oker is working with the team at Eden Prairie Eye Care to help patients while reducing the risk of potential exposure. We will be taking the following measures upon opening our office:

  • Temporarily canceling routine care while continuing to provide care to patients with urgent eye care issues.

  • Prescreening our patients to determine if they or anyone in their household has symptoms that require them to contact their primary care provider and reschedule their appointment.

  • Staggering appointment times to social distance patients. We have also adapted our processes in the office so that patients are able to keep at least 6 feet in distance and minimize contact with other patients and staff.

  • We will continue to follow recommendations by the CDC and WHO, which includes hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, respiratory hygiene, environmental cleaning, and safe waste disposal.

  • Telehealth options are being used to treat patients virtually for certain types of eye care appointments, allowing our community to stay home and be seen via video.

Our team is evaluating the situation daily and adapting our practice to keep our patients and employees healthy. We appreciate your trust in Eden Prairie Eye Care!

Don’t Hesitate! Contact Our Offices

The team at Eden Prairie Eye Care is here to ensure our patients have the medical care they need. Our staff is always here for you. Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.

We can be reached at 651-583-6111 or



Hours of Operation

Monday: 10:00am-6:00pm

Tuesday: 10:00am-6:00pm

Wednesday: 10:00am-6:00pm

Thursday: 10:00am-6:00pm

Friday: 10:00am-6:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am-5:00pm

Sunday: By Appointment

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