In addition to colored contacts, eyelash extensions are growing in popularity. Every day, women are bombarded with ads for local salons and articles about this latest fashion trend.
However, with this cosmetic treatment, people need to take extra caution. Improper use of eyelash extensions can have severe consequences for your vision.
The Real Health Risks of Eyelash Extensions

While the Kardashians sell their brand of eyelashes, the risks of extensions include everything from allergic reactions to the erosion of the inner surface of your eyelid. These health risks can cause permanent damage to your vision.
These reactions include:
Dry eye
Loss of eyelash hair
In addition to damaging the eyelash hair follicles, using eyelash extensions incorrectly can cause serious infections of the cornea and eyelid. Although rare, eyelash extensions can also result in fibers stuck under the eye tissue, which may require surgical removal.
Safely Using Eyelash Extensions

If you decide to use eyelash extensions, follow these tips from the American College of Ophthalmology:
Check Qualifications: Check the salon’s reputation. Make sure their aesthetician has valid certification. Read reviews and look at before-and-after photos from other customers.
Review the Product: Read the ingredient list on the adhesive being used and check for potential allergens like formaldehyde. Confirm the expiration date has not passed. Request a spot test on the inside of your wrist before the glue is applied to your eyes.
Insist on a High Standard of Care: Make sure your aesthetician is practicing good hygiene, including washing their hands and wearing gloves.
Any burning or discomfort during the procedure is a huge red flag and you should speak up.
If you have an allergic reaction to extensions, do not try to remove them yourself. This could damage your eyes. Do not try to treat the reaction on your own since improper treatment risks exasperating your symptoms. Instead, go see an optometrist immediately.
Talk With Your Optometrist About Eyelash Extensions

Still want longer, fuller eyelashes? Discuss the potential risks of eyelash extensions with your optometrist. At Eden Prairie Eye Care, we can explore your options and recommend the professional products best for your eye health.
Schedule your appointment today with Eden Prairie Eye Care by calling (952) 944-2792 or via our online platform.